
Final project | Melbourne City Data | Forecasting


Xinyi Liu

Benjamin Starostka

Show the code
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotx

1 About Melbourne

Melbourne holds the distinction of being the second most populous city in both Australia and Oceania. As the center of south Australia, Melbourne is a sprawling urban area spanning 9,992 km2, which encompasses a metropolitan region comprising 31 municipalities (Source: Wikipedia). It has a population of 5 million, which takes up 19% of the population of Australia.

The initiative of this narrative data story is to provide you with an opportunity to delve into Melbourne’s city life through various data sets, including demographics, residential information, and employment data. By examining these aspects, you can see the potential opportunities in the city. Furthermore, we want to show the pictures of the future for Melbourne by applying the city’s forecasts data, and provide you with the insights of the city’s future development.

The data used is available at City of Melbourne open data portal

Here’s a brief summary for each of the datasets used for this project.

  1. City of Melbourne Jobs Forecasts by Small Area 2021-2041
    • 585 KB, 9114 rows, 5 cols, geodata: area name, age and gender
  2. City of Melbourne Population Forecasts by Small Area 2021-2041
    • 710 KB, 17052 rows, 5 cols, geodata: area name
  3. City of Melbourne Dwellings and Household Forecasts by Small Area 2021-2041
    • 161 KB, 2646 rows, 5 cols, geodata: area name
  4. City of Melbourne Floor Space Forecasts by Small Area 2021-2041
    • 834 KB, 9996 rows, 5 cols, geodata: area name
  5. Development Activity Monitor
    • 328 KB, 1430 rows, 42 cols, geodata: yes
